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Saggy Skin & Elasticity

Elastin and collagen are the primary structural proteins in the dermis. Collagen and elastin are abundant in skin at an early age ensuring optimal renewal and regeneration. Levels of collagen and particularly elastin begin diminishing almost immediately from birth, and by middle age, elastin replenishment is minimal, resulting in saggy, loose skin and reduced skin elasticity.9,10,11,12
In addition, gravity plays a role in saggy skin and skin laxity. As your skin ages it loses elasticity and is unable to adequately support underlying fatty tissue and muscle. Aging skin is furthered by excessive sun exposure and sun damage. To ensure skin elasticity, skin exports recommend practicing a lifestyle that promotes healthy eating habits and reduced alcohol consumption. While aging skin is a natural process of getting older, being mindful of healthy skin care habits is a great way to reduce the effects of sagging skin or unwanted fine lines and wrinkles. Remember to hydrate, moisturize, and reduce sun exposure! Your facial skin and body will thank you in the long run.
Other natural causes of facial sagging or sagging skin include weight loss and/or pregnancy, especially if the body loses a significant amount of weight quickly. Extreme natural weight loss or weight loss surgery can result in unwanted excess skin or skin laxity.
Talk to your doctor if you have concerns about sagging skin or questions about potential skin tightening treatment options, which could include, cosmetic surgery, laser treatment, topical skincare, radiofrequency treatment, Microneedling, Ultrasound Skin Tightening treatment or surgery depending on the extent of loose skin.
- Seite S, Zucchi H, Septier D, Igondjo-Tchen S, Senni K, Godeau G. Elastin changes during chronological and photo-ageing: the important role of lysozyme. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology: JEADV 2006; 20(8): 980-7.
- Varani J, Dame MK, Rittie L, et al. Decreased collagen production in chronologically aged skin: roles of age-dependent alteration in fibroblast function and defective mechanical stimulation. Am J Pathol 2006; 168(6): 1861-8.
- Frantz, Christian, Stewart, Kathleen M, Weaver, Valerie M. The Extracellular Matrix at a glance. Journal of Cell Science 2010; 123, 4195-4200.
- Watt, Finoa M, Fujiwara, Hronobu. Cell-Extracellular Matrix Ineractions in Normal and Diseased Skin. Cold Springs Harb Perspect Biol 2011; 3:a0005124
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